Do you know how we prepare asparagus in Italy?
Check out the video and see me make fantastic Linguine with shrimp and asparagus cream for TV JOJ.

Featured Media
Pizza doesn’t have to be unhealthy
And our neaopolitan pizza certainly won’t do any harm. Read more about the unique way we prepare it in Plus Jeden Deň online magazine.
Panna Cotta for SME Žena magazine
When Panna Cotta is made well, it’s a delight for your tastebuds as well as your eyes. I shared my true italian recipe for this delicacy with SME Žena magazine.
Valentine ravioli to fall in love with
Sweet dishes are great, but I’m sure your Valentine will be over the moon if you make this fantastic ravioli for them. Find out more in Plus Jeden Deň online magazine.
Nothing is as it seems
Plus Jeden Deň magazine reported about the visit of the lovely Miss Viktória Podmanická in my restaurant. Of course it was no date, just an innocent work meeting.
Panna Cotta on Facebook
My favourite Italian Panna Cotta recipe was featured on ‚Ona vie‘ magazine’s Facebook page.
Pea cream is an exceptinal delicacy
My unique recipe for this marvelous dish was published on ‚Ona vie‘ magazine Facebook page.
Welcome to my kitchen
While visiting my house, a Plus Jeden Deň journalist learnt that tomatoes and parmesan are two of the things I always have to have at home.
Watch out for frauds
We all come accross dishonest people sometimes. And this time, it happened to me and my wife. Read about our unfortunate experience in Pluska’s article.
Seabass on TV JOJ
Red riding hood doesn’t need to be afraid of this seabass. I am not afraid of it either and that’s why I was happy to prepare a seabass version with dried tomatoes for TV JOJ.
Interview with JOJ Noviny Plus
I spoke to JOJ Noviny Plus about the impact of anti-pandemic measures on my restaurant and how these measures were different from those in Italy.
For restaurants, immediate lockdown is catastrophic.
I was approached by Plus Jeden Den journalist to share my views on pandemic lockdowns.
Covid automat? I certainly won’t be the one to monitor my customers
I spoke to Plus Jeden Deň about the chaotic anti-pandemic measures that used to be in effect.
Our pizza in Forbes
Not every pizza is the same. Italians know it, Slovaks know it and our special italian pizza recipe was even highlighted in the Forbes magazine.
Scallopini – a TV star
TV JOJ’s Jano Meciar wanted to know how the true italian Scallopini is prepared. It was my pleasure to show him.
Stress is part of cooking. And I can’t cook without it.
I spoke to TV JOJ’s host on the set of the TV show ,My mother is a better cook than yours’. We spoke about whether cooking in Italy is more popular with men or women and how stressful cooking really is.